Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Needs vs Actions

God I want to do things to my full potential

I want to be proud of what I do

However I feel like I will never do my best

I feel I will always function at mediocrity

How can I be happy when I know I can do better?

Yet no matter what I do it seems I never will.

I am constantly fighting myself

My desires against my habits

Even now I feel as if I am going to do something I do not want

Like I know what I am doing but have no control

Why can I not do what I need to?

Why can I not put my desires aside?

God please help me do what I need to do

Instead of what I want to do

I want to glorify You

But instead I seem to do things for myself

You gave me this life

You are the reason that I am here.

God I know you have a plan for my life

Lord show me what it is You want me to do

Without you I would be nothing,

I want to show others why you think I’m something

Lord help me serve You

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